Past events: Vol 2

Climate justice and inequalities

Science meets Art discussing climate justice and inequalities

When: March 5, 2023. from 2pm to 4pm
Where: Kulturzentrum 4lthangrund

In this workshop, we want to bring together multiple perspectives on global climate (in)justice, mixing those of some scientists, artists, and any participant. Climate justice has to do with the inequalities in historic responsibility (who did or does emit the most GHG), different impacts due to climate and capacity to adapt, and our role in the current and future societal transformations.

We invite Elina Brutschin and Jarmo Kikstra, scientists at the International Institute for Applied System Analysis studying climate change policies, to explain how they approach these topics.

However, we challenge and integrate their vision with the contribution of artists working on similar topics in their life. Nina Sandino and Florent Golfier are performers, activists, and much more, who work on creating awareness of problems connected to climate justice.

The audience will also play an active role in the discussion, questioning concepts and sharing their feelings. The workshop environment is supposed to stimulate creativity and out-of-the-box thinking! The participants can bring what stimulates their creativity or their favorite mean of expression, to actively contribute to our exchange.

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